Utility app that works with STRAVA®
simple activity uploading

Connect with STRAVA®
From you activity tracker or head-unit to your STRAVA® website profile.
Registering with STRAVA® is as easy as it can be, right from the “Connect with STRAVA” menu option.

The main Stravup window
After you’ve made the connection with STRAVA®:
- Have your Garmin® or compatible device connected via USB to your computer and check that it is showing in the Finder.
- Select which folder on your device has the activity files, for Stravup to monitor. Usually called “activities”.
- Decide if you want to Edit the activities before upload OR if you want to Auto upload in the background.
- Only activities that are newer than the last uploaded activity date, will be uploaded. Older activities will not show in the upload window next time Stravup looks for new activities.
- Stravup can navigate to STRAVA® after the auto upload is completed.
- Decide if you want Stravup to automatically start whenever you login to your computer.
- Automatically backup your activities.

Edit New Activities window
- Showing a list of all new activities.
- Add your own name or let STRAVA® create the default.
- Shows current athlete’s default activity type.
- Ability to change the activity type.
- Upload indicator and confirmation.
- Click “show” to navigate to the activity on STRAVA®.

Stravup will check for new activities as soon as you re-connect your device then will upload them for you.
NOTE: if you manually edit an activity and then upload it, Stravup will not show older activities than the newest uploaded one. This adds the ability to skip some files and not worry about them again.
Originally created for Garmin® devices, but any device that generates STRAVA® compatible files (FIT, GPX or TCX format) and that mounts as a Volumes on your computer should work.
Made possible with the help from the STRAVA API v3.
* STRAVA is a registered trademark and this app it not affiliated with STRAVA Inc.
* Garmin is a registered trademark and this app it not affiliated with Garmin Ltd.